
Posted in: Nature | 0

I’m just enjoying fall, my favourite season. I knew fall was here on Monday when I drove down the hill into the village where I work, and I descended into cloud. I read a poem one time describing the mist, waiting like a cat ready to pounce, and that is exactly how it feels.

The season speaks of acorns, leaves, cozying up; I always get an itch to start sewing, knitting, or making something at this time of year. I start looking forward to making my annual dinner in a pumpkinĀ and having a Thanksgiving meal with friends.

But I still pine for Quebec at this time of year–for the leaves and the buildings. The closest I can get to these things is to paint them. My last visit to Quebec was our honeymoon 5 years ago October.

On Saturday our good friends will get married pray for sunshine we’re doing the pictures.

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