My son is six weeks old now, and while my sleep is still coming in only 2-3 hour stretches around the clock, I am still trying to squeeze in the things I find life-giving: hiking and making things. I’m surprised how many people make comments on me doing these things so soon after the birth.
For me, this is a chance to do the things I love when I’d normally be spending about 10 hours either at work or commuting. I’m trying to make the most of the year of maternity leave that I’m blessed to have. It’s really helped that my older two kids are in school and that Asher is an “easy” baby. That being said, I still am very tired and getting the typical feedings every 2-3 hours at night. So if I can squeeze in a hike (nothing the baby likes more than napping in the ergo), or sewing for an hour here and there, or cooking (we have to eat!), then I’m going to do it with a little creativity.
So while I’ve been doing some of my favourite things, I haven’t been spending time writing about them, but often share them visually through instagram. Here’s a little round up from the past two months.
🙂 🙂 🙂