Kindergarten mobile

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One of the only projects I worked on when my babies were young was making mobiles for them – you can read about it here. So it was particularly fun to help my five-year-old with her first real school project – to make a mobile about herself. If you had a look at the mobiles I made in the past, you’ll notice very little correlation – I really wanted her to direct this project.

First, we looked on the internet for an idea, and we found dolls made from old-fashioned clothes pins – do a search and you will be amazed at the amount of images you find. We were inspired by this one, because my daughter loves to swing. We decided to make all different dolls doing the things she likes.

We ventured out on a very rainy October day, but could not find any vintage clothespins (despite visiting many dollar stores, I didn’t find any but about a month later I found some!!). So we used spring-loaded clothespins and styrofoam balls for the heads. We pulled out the box of scrap cloth, pipe cleaners, googly eyes, embroidery floss, and a bunch of ribbons and spent the next two days crafting the mobile. Once we figured out how to use a pipe cleaner to attach the head and function as the arms, she could assemble the dolls herself, and selected all the clothing material. She even made a few of the dresses completely on her own. We used glue to attach the thread hair and eyes.

Today her French Kindergarten peers got to enjoy her project and hear her share about the things she likes to do. And all the students get to have a fun classroom ceiling ornamented in each others’ mobiles all year.

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