Black dress

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the-black-dress-september-1957 This spring, death has felt close. Today, my aunt was buried in Ontario. Rest in peace, Aunt Frances.

I found this receipt from 1957 for a black dress, and I wondered about the story behind it. I knew my Great Grandfather died in 1957, so I imagined this being the last minute purchase of a black dress for the funeral. Tonight I pulled out Great Grandma’s journal from that time, and learned that his death was actually in May. Here is her entry:

May 7, 1957

Clarence [her husband], Donald [her son, my Grandpa] and Danny [my uncle] drove down to Tryconnel after school to see a calf and on road home, Dad [her husband, Clarence] had a heart attack and died in car. Donald, Helene and I went to funeral home later to make arrangements for funeral.

It is always interesting to try to read between the lines, since the entries are so matter of fact. About a year before Great Grandfather’s death, my own father had a brush with death, and lived. Here is the journal entry from that day, written by his Grandma:

April 30, 1956

Allan was knocked off his bicycle at 12:10 to-day and very seriously injured. Monica [my grandma, Dad’s mom] went to hospital in the ambulance with him and Donald [Dad’s dad] went later. Jeanette and Danny [dad’s siblings] were here. I had 21 telephone calls. I canned 4 pints of pineappmay-be-harvey-william-billiele.

0 Responses

  1. David

    And the pineapple still got canned! We all come from some pretty amazing people. Nice family history you are documenting. I’m amazed by what I find as I sort through various collections of family history that I’ve inherited over the years. Being able to share it with the various branches of my family has given everyone a chance to share nearly forgotten stories.

    • Delight-filled Leaves Art

      Thanks – I know, I love that part about the pineapple. It seems strange to me that they would have had fresh pineapple…I hope some of my family will enjoy these stories, since I am so fascinated by them. I think I will probably be the holder of the information for my generation.

  2. Sheryl

    Your great-grandma described her husband’s death in such a matter-of-fact way. It had to have been very rough–I’m surprised that she was able to even write the entry.

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