I’ve been admiring the sky this month. As I leave work each evening, it has been growing increasingly light. There have been all kinds of clouds and lights and skies to entertain me on my way home. Tonight’s sunset was … Continued
Delight-Filled Leaves Art
I cannot count how many times I have returned to this canvas. At first, I covered it in black gesso and tried to create something in the vein of a past painting I did that worked. But this time, it … Continued
November is winding down – I hope I can finish this painting before the end of the month. I added some espresso grinds to the ground in some acrylic medium, as well as some of my Rousillon pigments.
The kids are getting a habit of painting while I’m painting. It’s exciting having them be old enough to paint somewhat independently without making too big of a mess so that I can concentrate on my own work (my table … Continued
After a few days away, I was ready to continue work on the painting. I had done several layers of background colour and washes, and kind of hated it. Sometimes when I am working on a painting, I can get … Continued
Over winter I have been on a bit of a painting hiatus, but this weekend we had a burst of summer-like weather, complete with actual sunshine, and it inspired me to pull out all kinds of canvases and make some … Continued
This evening, I was finally able to give some thought to the new year. I was taken quite ill on Christmas Day, and as a result have not been up to doing any art or anything really over the holidays. … Continued