String painting for texture
I was wondering how to advance this forest painting that I was working on in November. I wanted to create a tangled vine underbrush like what I see outside my window – a heap of pale winter berry bushes. I … Continued
Delight-Filled Leaves Art
I was wondering how to advance this forest painting that I was working on in November. I wanted to create a tangled vine underbrush like what I see outside my window – a heap of pale winter berry bushes. I … Continued
“What are you going to do with your nature?” my four- and six-year-old kids asked each other in the back seat of the car on the way home from our walk. They had each gathered a little baggy of acorn … Continued
I haven’t shared thoughts on faith lately. After my nature posts earlier this week, my husband showed me an interesting article that struck a chord with me. Here is an excerpt: “I am beginning to think that Joy is the … Continued
I hosted my birthday party this weekend. A girls’ night. I wanted to polish the decor a little bit by setting out some of my “adult” things out that are normally out of the reach of little hands. Nothing too … Continued
Monica (Colby) Duck – September 2, 1920 – October 7, 2011 Birds, flowers, berry juice, the colour pink, simplicity, calm – these are all words that remind me of Grandma. I tried to find a good picture of her, and … Continued
“Slowly, slowly they return/ To the small woodland let alone:/ Great trees, outspreading and upright,/ Apostles of the living light.// Patient as start, they build in air/ Tier after tier a timbered choir,/ Stout beams upholding weightless grace/ Of song, … Continued
As birth becomes closer, I have been transforming my ideas about birth. When I first found out I was pregnant in early January, I knew so little about birth that I thought “Why wouldn’t I want to be medicated?” But … Continued
Fragmentation is a major theme in my artwork. Because of a class I’m taking, I’ve been trying to identify the themes and recurring motifs in my artwork in hopes of creating a body of related work to exhibit someday. Someone … Continued