I’ll be honest: March is not my favourite month. In British Columbia, it rains most of the month. In fact, it’s been raining pretty steadily since mid-October. It gets a bit dreary by January, and by March, I’m just done … Continued
Delight-Filled Leaves Art
Despite being married to a professional photographer, I am still a point-and-shoot photographer. And sometimes my favourite pictures are those taken out the car window. There is something about the motion blur and lack of control that I enjoy. I … Continued
What a strange week we had, with heavy snow, a candle-lit evening with no power and howling prairie-style winds, and a little freezing rain to top it off. And after exactly one week of this, it was about +7 today … Continued
There have been times in my life where I thought being an artist involved being scatterbrained, disorganized, and probably addicted to some kind of substance. Since I’m generally pretty organized and straight-laced, I thought it might bar me from being … Continued
What a great opportunity I had to use my Great Great Grandmother’s 1860 dishes this weekend! I had a short deadline to test a recipe for the Parks Canada food app. I have made pastry before, but with my full … Continued
I came across this photograph of the Salmon River, which I was just writing about here. I just love the pattern of this field, created by the river. Today some of the land is flooded, and ducks were swimming there. … Continued
The fact is, it was easier to Crawl about five years ago. Even three years ago it was pretty manageable with one of my kids still in utero, and the other one riding somewhat cooperatively in the ergo. In fact … Continued
The first year I moved to the West Coast, I noticed that fall was very much a yellow and brown affair. Most of the vibrant reds are constrained to tree-lined suburban streets. I am a lover of autumn and this … Continued
My brother, Peter Duck, took these photos around the farm on the morning of our grandma’s funeral last week. They are beautiful! So I added a gallery here with his permission for you to enjoy. Some of the scenes … Continued
I have a stack of negatives, about 90-100 years old, that my parents salvaged from “The Old House” which stood a few hundred metres from my childhood home. It was the home of my Great Grandfather’s brother, Harvey Duck. On … Continued