Most of my artwork does not feature a strong form; I tend to paint abstract landscapes with a horizon. This painting actually hangs in our laundry room. I liked it more in one of its previous stages, when it featured … Continued
Delight-Filled Leaves Art
Juxtaposing things is a big deal in art and photography. I can’t imagine an artist talk that doesn’t at some point juxtapose incongruent things: an impoverished person seated in front of a sports or an elderly person holding a newborn … Continued
With this hectic winter, I haven’t been able to carve out much time for art. I decided to join in on the instagram challenge that Lesley over at the Artsy Forager started. She’s calling it #artsydefined. It’s a good opportunity … Continued
After seeing the viral story about artist Mica Angela Hendricks allowing her four-year-old to collaborate on some drawings with her, I wanted to try it with our kids. It was a very interesting experience, though it didn’t exactly turn out … Continued
Following the theme of buildings that are familiar to me, I decided to do my third collage as a portrayal of the Big House at Fort Langley National Historic Site, the birthplace of British Columbia. The current building was reconstructed … Continued
I had the rare treat of picking up my young children from school on Friday, which inspired me to create this second collage on rag paper, called Schoolyard. I was also inspired by reading one of my favourite children’s books … Continued